
Visiting Procedures
Bumi Parawira

Ticket Booking

  1. It is required to book tickets online at before visiting the Gallery.
  2. Tickets for Bumi Parawira Gallery are completely free; visitors will not be charged any fees.
  3. Make sure to arrive at Bumi Parawira Gallery at least 15 minutes before the selected visiting session.
  4. Tickets will expire if more than 30 minutes have passed since the session started, and latecomers are expected to re-register online by selecting an available session.
  5. Scan the ticket or show the registration ticket to the staff.
  6. Children can visit Bumi Parawira Gallery and must be accompanied by an adult. Children still need to register online using theparent/guardian's phone number and email.
  7. We provide four daily visiting sessions. Visitors are expected to attend the selected session.
  8. Group tours (minimum 15 people) from educational institutions, agencies, corporate institutions, or communities can fill out the group tour application form at

While at the Gallery

  1. Make sure you are in good health.
  2. It is strictly prohibited to touch artworks and gallery collections. Even the slightest touch can damage the surface of the artworks. You are also not allowed to place and/or lean items against artworks, walls, and pillars inside the gallery.
  3. Prohibited items include sharp objects, flammable materials, items with strong odors, and pets.
  4. Dispose of trash in its proper place.
  5. Must maintain a distance from the artworks.
  6. Prohibited to bring food/drinks.
  7. Prohibited to bring professional cameras. Only mobile phone cameras are allowed.
  8. Prohibited to take photos using flash.
  9. Smoking (tobacco and electronic — or vape) is prohibited. All forms of tobacco or tobacco by-products are prohibited in the gallery.
  10. Gallery staff have the right to warn and take action against visitors who do not comply with the applicable regulations.
  11. The gallery is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal belongings caused by visitor negligence.

Operating Hours*

Gallery Closed
09.00 - 05.00
09.00 - 05.00
09.00 - 05.00
09.00 - 05.00
09.00 - 05.00
09.00 - 05.00

*Gallery operating hours may change at any time according to existing situations and conditions. The Gallery will contact ticket holders with visiting dates and times affected by the schedule change.

Gallery Address

Perpustakaan dan Galeri Kota Bogor

Jl. Kapten Muslihat No.21, Pabaton, Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16122, Indonesia

(0251) 8380247
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